Phonecams Lately: Autumn to Winter.

stairs in sunlight

I really like stairs. If it’s Freudian, then I don’t want to know, because yes, I also like trains, bridges, and tunnels. Thank you for asking.

This is a photo-heavy post, so let’s descend under the cut.

(See what I did there? Hee-hee.)

Continue reading Phonecams Lately: Autumn to Winter.

Who Doesn’t Love a Good Sunset

Lately I’m home before dusk more often than I care to admit. I’ve also currently dislocated most of my operations to the living room, the window of which is probably the best point in the house to observe sunsets from.

I left these photos SOOC. One thing I noticed about Canon 600D is that I nearly always agree with how it processes colour. And most of these hardly need enhancement.



28 October 2013

Continue reading Who Doesn’t Love a Good Sunset

These Are the Last Days of August, and I’m Sharing Easter Photographs

That’s just how I roll.

But yeah, sometime around Orthodox Easter, I dragged my brother’s sorry arse out to the Central Park to snap a few shots of the decorations. I’m not exactly good at night photography, but hey, most of the stuff was static, so these shots are half-decent. They are a little bit stale, time-wise (eggs & candles & angels & all), but I hope you’ll still like ’em.


But before we switch to eggs and bunnies, I’d like you to take a look at Posta Moldovei. Which is, Moldova’s Post Office. I’ve always loved this building. So nice. I visit it often, as I kinda like Postcrossing, when I have the 50 cents to spare for a stamp.

Continue reading These Are the Last Days of August, and I’m Sharing Easter Photographs